Face To Face GuestsDo you have a guest you would like to suggest for a future Face To Face? us
Some of Our Past Guests On Face To FaceKara Ro, CKWW Radio Host and former Women's International Boxing Association champion Michael Silvaggi President, St. Clair College Vincent Georgie, Executive Director of the Windsor International Film Festival Vince Del Duca, Chef, The Essex Golf and Country Club John Kukucka, Chef, The Essex Golf and Country Club Mark Galvin, President and CEO, Windsor International Airport Nick Brancaccio, Photojournalist, The Windsor Star Jamie Greer, Author, History of Pro Wrestling in Windsor Sean Baligian, Broadcaster, Detroit Sports Marty Adler, Local Media Personality Ed Agnew, Grant Coordinator City of Windsor Remo and Renaldo Agostino- The Boom Boom Room Renaldo Agostino, Windsor City Councillor Mike Akpata, Senior Constable Windsor Police Services His Excellency Rafael Alfaro of El Salvador Keith Andrews, Casino Windsor Dr. Bill Anderson, Director, Cross-Border Institute (CBI) University of Windsor Franco Angileri, Windsor Fashion Police Ken Antaya, LaSalle Mayor Ed Arditti, Lawyer Jhoan Baluyot, Public Relations, Caesars Windsor Larry Bannon, Hospice Volunteer Chantelle Bacon, Fight Like Mason Foundation Michael Beale, Essex Scottish Regiment Spike Bell, Windsor Photographer Steve Bell, AM800 Sports Chief Jason Bellaire, Windsor Police Service Marty Beneteau,
Editor of The Windsor Star Ty Bilcke, Windsor Spitfire Steve Biro, Award
Winning Photographer Ted Boomer, Windsor Blues Fest Trevor Booth, The Drive Magazine Rob Bornais, Owner Robbie�s Gourmet Sausages Rino Bortolin, Windsor
City Councillor Bob Boughner, President Windsor Spitfires Fred Bouzide, Fred's Farm Fresh Jane Boyd, Former Executive Director, Windsor-Essex Hospice Paul Borrelli, Windsor City Councillor Mark Bradac, Windsor's Pawn Man Mike Bradley, Mayor of Sarnia Jen Brignall-Strong,
Host of Tailgate Takeout Steven Brown, Fantastic Fathers Community Group Arms Bumanlag, CTV Windsor/AM800 Personality Jeff Burrows, Drummer, Tea Party Bob Cameron, Downtown Windsor Community Collaborative Nancy Campana, Run
for Rocky Darrin Canniff, Chatham-Kent Mayor Danny Carvalho,
Kailua Moon Music, Hawaii Jeff Casey, Publisher snapd Windsor Dave Cassidy, President Unifor Local 444 David Cassivi, Ward 4 Councillor
Father Paul Charboneau, Brentwood Recovery Home Dino Chiodo President Unifor Local 444 Keith Chinnery, Program Director CKLW Radio Chris Chopik, Leamington BIA Raymond Chu, Downtown BIA Adriano Ciotoli, Windsor Eats Terry Cloutier, Community Living Windsor Joe Colasanti, Colasanti's Tropical Gardens Onorio Colucci CFO - Treasurer - City Of Windsor Joe Comartin, M.P., Windsor-St. Clair Dave Cooke, former NDP MPP Derrick Cornado, Citizen's Environmental Alliance Fabio Costante, Windsor City Councillor Melanie Coulter, Executive Director Windsor-Essex Humane Society Linden Crain, Host
�Coffee With Crainer� Debi Croucher, Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association Bruce Crozier, M.P.P. Essex Scott D'Amore, Impact Wrestling Rosanne Danese, Metro Editor - The Windsor Star Ken Deane, Hotel Dieu - Grace Hospital Leo De Luca & "Chef Mimmo", Koolini�s Restaurant Carol Derbyshire, Windsor Essex County Hospice Zachery Dereniowski,
The MD Motivator Melanie Deveau, CKLW Radio Personality Aldo DiCarlo, Mayor, Town of Amherstburg Drew Dilkens, Mayor, City of Windsor Kay Douglas, Douglas Marketing Group Tony Doucette, The Early Shift , CBC Radio Lee Anne Doyle, Windsor�s� Chief Building Official Andrew Dowie, MPP, Windsor-Tecumseh Michael Duben, General Manager, City of Windsor Michael Duffy, Canadian Senator Patrick Ducharme, Windsor Lawyer Leo Dufour, Comedian Hon. Dwight Duncan, M.P.P. Windsor - St. Clair
Ronn Dunn, Windsor Downtown Mission John Elliott, City Councillor Rob Evans, Holiday Inn Select Windsor Andrew Faas, Author Ted Farron, Farron's Gourmet Butcher Shop Richard Farrow, CEO of the Farrow Group of Companies David Fields, Chief of Windsor Fire & Rescue Jonathan Foster, Windsor Regional Hospital Justin Fox, St. Clair College Patti France, President, St. Clair College Eddie Francis, CEO Windsor Family Credit Union, Former Mayor of Windsor Fred Francis, Windsor City Councillor Robert Franz, Music Director, Windsor Symphony Orchestra Al Fredericks, Windsor Police Chief Ari
Freed and Dan Orman, Freeds of Windsor Cam Gardiner, Windsor Morning Radio Personality Deborah Gatenby, Sophrosyne House Vincent Georgie,
Windsor International Film Festival Jeewen Gill, Windsor City Council Ward 7 Paige Gouin, Windsor-Essex Hospice Antoine Greige, Windsor Fashion Police Lisa Gretzky, MPP Windsor West Heather Grodin, Gordie Howe International Bridge Mehari Hagos, MH100
Youth Program Dave Hall, Reporter The Windsor Star Karen Hall, Windsor Star Columnist Dr. Caroline Hamm, Windsor Cancer Research Group Patty Handysides, CKLW Radio News Tish Harcus, Brand Manager Canadian Club Buzz Hargrove, President CAW Bret Hart, WWE Professional Wrestler Percy Hatfield, Windsor City Councillor Dan and Doug Hogan, Hogan's Printing & The Dugout Chris Holt, Windsor City Councillor Ward 4 Randy Hope, Mayor of Chatham-Kent Andrea Horwath, Ontario NDP Leader Larry Horwitz, Chair of the Downtown Windsor BIA Peter Hrastovec, Windsor - District Chamber of Commerce Chair Tim Hudak, Leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party Dave Hunter, 89X Radio Program Director & Morning Show Personality
Peggy Hurley, International Dragon Boat Team The Wonderbroads Wayne Hurst, Mayor of Amherstburg Anita Imperioli, Executive Director, In Honour of the Ones We Love Anne Jarvis, Columnist for the Windsor Star Dr. Greg Jasey, Orthopedic Surgeon, Windsor Regional Hospital Deborah Jones, Publisher Biz X Magazine
Jennifer Jones, Media Street & Rotary Club Ron Jones, Ward 2 Councillor Janice Kaffer, President & CEO Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare
Mike Kakuk, AM800 CKLW Morning Drive Host Gary Kaschak, Windsor City Councillor Bill Kell, Farrow Riverside Miracle Park Steering Committee Co-Chair Bob Kelly, Canadian War Veteran Art Kidd, Chief of Staff, Hotel Dieu-Grace Hospital Tim Kiska, Detroit newsman and author Knobby Knudsen, Circle of Seven Lisa Kolody,
Windsor-Essex Community Foundation His Excellency, Margers Krams of Latvia Sheldon Kennedy, Former NHL Player & Child Advocate Chief Bruce Krauter - Essex-Windsor EMS Patty Meuser Kristy, The Graphic Gourmet Jim Krushelniski, Lake Erie Wind Turbines Irek Kusmierczyk, Windsor Ward 7 City Councillor Paul Lafave, Trucking Industry Chief Stephen Laforet, Windsor Fire and Rescue Services Ernie Lamont, "The Bacon Man" Tom Laporte, Riverside Minor Baseball Association President Wendy Leigh, Big
Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor & Essex County Ken Lewenza Sr., President CAW Local 444 Chris Lewis, Mayor of Amherstburg Lindsay Lovecky, Do Good Divas Jim Lyons, Executive Director of the Windsor Construction Association His Excellency Massoud Maalouf of Lebanon Iain Macri, Fight Like Mason Foundation Rob Maggio, Personal Fitness Trainer Al Maghnieh, Windsor Ward 10 Councillor Harry W. Major, Canadian War Veteran Tom Malanfant, Windsor Director of Customer Service & 311 Remo Mancini, Businessman and Former M.P.P. Veronique Mandal, Mandal's Media Mix Matt Marchand, Windsor Regional Chamber of Commerce Theresa Marentette, CEO and Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Windsor-Essex County Health Unit Angelo Marignari,
Windsor City Councillor Jennifer Matotek, Art Gallery of Windsor Ralph Mayville, WWII Vet from Amherstburg Ron McDermott, Mayor of Essex Hilda McDonald, Mayor of Leamington Paul McDonald, News Director CKLW Radio Kieran McKenzie, Windsor City Councillor and CJAM 99.1 FM Mark McKenzie, Windsor City Councillor Neil McEvoy, CEO, Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital Alan McKinnon, Save Ojibway Danielle Campo McLeod, Canadian Mental Health Association Skip McMahon, Ambassador Bridge Gary McNamara, Mayor of Tecumseh Joan McSweeney, Hospice Board Member Frank Meloche, �The Car Deal King� former owner of Marathon Ford Don Merrifield, CJAM 99.1 FM Carolina, Maria & Giaci Miceli, Give Your Heart to Autism John Miceli, CAO, Town of Amherstburg Carolina, Maria & Giaci Miceli, Give your Heart to Autism Colleen Mitchell, Club President - Rotary Club of Windsor 2018 Chief Pam Mizuno, Windsor Police Service
Frank Moceri, Windsor Disposal Services Ltd. Dr. Alfie Morgan, Professor Emeritus, University of Windsor Hayley Morgan, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor Essex Jim Morrison, Windsor City Councillor June Muir, CEO of the Unemployed Help Centre of Windsor The Honourable Thomas Mulcair, PC MP Canadian Leader of the Official Opposition Glen Murray, MPP
Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities
Rakesh Naidu, President and CEO, Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce NAV Nanwa, Host of
Windsor Morning - CBC Windsor One Radio 97.5 FM Federica Nazzani, President & CEO of Windsor International Airport Al Nelman, City Activist Rick Nicholls, MPP Chatham-Kent-Leamington Holly Nicholson, St. Clair College Student Representative Council (SRC) Robert Niro, Chef and Owner of Kitchn Xavier Noordermeer, Community Living Windsor Charlie O'Brien, AM580 Radio Memories Pat O'Neil, Former Essex County Warden Dave Orton, Training Manager for Lifestyle Family Fitness Centres Marion Overholt, Windsor District Labour Council Daniele Palanca, Comic Book Syndicate Pat Papadeas, CJAM 99.1 FM Gary Parent, Windsor District Labour Council John Paterson, Leamington Mayor Dr. Ross Paul, President, University of Windsor Hilary Payne,
Windsor City Councillor Rob Petroni, Liuna 625 Teresa Piruzza,
M.P.P. Richard Pollock, Lawyer Lisa Porter, WE Spark Caroline Postma, Ward 2 Councillor Vince Power, Deputy Chief, Windsor Police Services Dr. Michelle Prince,
Chiropractor, Lifetime Wellness Centre Dani Probert, Widow of Retired NHL Player Bob Probert Theresa Probert, Bob Probert Memorial Ride Sandra Pupatello, M.P.P., Minister of Community & Social Services Thom Racovitis, TBQ Restaurants
Jody Raffoul, Award Winning Musician Zeyad and Hamoody Rafih, The Rafih Auto Group
Alto Reed, Saxophonist Bob Seger Silver Bullet Band Willie Reybroek, Pawn Man "Security" Riley Richard, Lego Windsor & Essex County Politics George Rizok, Comic Book Syndicate Bob Robinson, Windsor Life Magazine Aaron Rock, Pastor, Harvest Bible Church Alan Rock, PC Former Canadian Cabinet Minister & UN Ambassador Richard Ruston, Community Living Windsor Chris Ryan, Patrick O'Ryan's
Don Sadler, Director of
Parks and Facilities Windsor
Nelson Santos, Mayor of Kingsville Sam Schwartz, Sam Schwartz Engineering Ken Schmidt, G.M., Essex County Conservation Authority Ron Seguin, Vice
President - St. Clair College - International Relations, Campus Development Kevin Shea, Author, Hockey Historian, CKWW & CKLW Radio Alumnus
Gary Smith, Windsor Police Chief
Joe Siddall, TV Analyst of the Toronto Blue Jays
Ed Sleiman, Windsor City Councillor, Ward 5 Louise St-Pierre, President & CEO Cogeco Connexion Dan Stamper,
Ambassador Bridge Charlie Stewart, Windsor Boxing Icon George Stewart of the Alzheimer's Society Dr. John Strasser, President, St. Clair College Gary Switzer, CEO - Erie St. Clair Local Health Integration Network Dr. Fouad Tayfor, Windsor Laser Eye Institute Noah Tepperman, Tepperman's Furniture John Tofflemire, Town of Leamington Tony Toldo, Windsor Philanthropist Tim Trombley, Caesars Windsor Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana Rocco Tullio, Lifestyle Family Fitness Peter Valente, Valente Development & Valente Real Estate Fulvio Valentinis, Ward 3 Councillor Chris Vander Doelen,
author and former Windsor Star journalist Judy Veresek, Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association Heather Walker,
International Dragon Boat Team The Wonderbroads Jeff Watson, M.P. Essex Ted Whipp, Food Writer for the Windsor Star Dr. Alan Wildeman - University of Windsor President Don Wiley, Circle of Seven Jim Williams, Re/Max Capital of Windsor Lisa Williams, AM800 CKLW Morning Drive Host Mark Williams,
President, Lakeshore Horse Raceway Association Clare Winterbottom, Business leader and author Sheila Wisdom, Executive Director United Way Windsor & Essex County Dave Woodall, Honorary Lt. Colonel Essex Kent Scottish Regiment Brian Yeomans, Chair, Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association Alexander Zonjic,
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